
Eiffel Tower Sponsor – $25,000

  • Two tables with premium seating for 20 guests
  • Special recognition as the “Presenting Sponsor” on event marketing/invitations
  • Stage presence to greet audience and share message
  • Your name/logo prominently listed on website, event signage and program
  • Social media recognition

Louvre Sponsor – $10,000

  • One table with premium seating for 10 guests
  • Your name/logo prominently listed on website, event signage and program
  • Your name/logo on table sign
  • Social media recognition

Notre Dame Sponsor – $5,000

  • Priority seating for 6 guests
  • Your name/logo prominently listed on website, event signage and program
  • Your name/logo on table sign
  • Social media recognition

Arc de Triomphe Sponsor – $2,500

  • Reserved seating for 4 guests
  • Your name/logo listed on website and program
  • Social media recognition

Champs-Élysées Sponsor – $1,000

  • Reserved seating for 2 guests
  • Your name/logo listed on website and program

Become a Sponsor!

With your support, we are breaking the cycle of generational homelessness.

Please fill out the form below and click on “Submit”. You will be directed to a Thank You page with a button for online payment.
Your receipt will be emailed here.
Please email a high-resolution JPEG file of your logo to info@thecaryingplace.org

Thank you for your generosity!

For more information, please contact Laura Grelck, Development Director, at 984-275-2851 or laura.grelck@thecaryingplace.org.