
Eiffel Tower Sponsor – $25,000

  • Two tables with premium seating for 20 guests
  • Special recognition as the “Presenting Sponsor” on event marketing/invitations
  • Stage presence to greet audience and share message
  • Your name/logo prominently listed on website, event signage and program
  • Social media recognition

Louvre Sponsor – $10,000

  • One table with premium seating for 10 guests
  • Your name/logo prominently listed on website, event signage and program
  • Your name/logo on table sign
  • Social media recognition

Notre Dame Sponsor – $5,000

  • Priority seating for 6 guests
  • Your name/logo prominently listed on website, event signage and program
  • Your name/logo on table sign
  • Social media recognition

Arc de Triomphe Sponsor – $2,500

  • Reserved seating for 4 guests
  • Your name/logo listed on website and program
  • Social media recognition

Champs-Élysées Sponsor – $1,000

  • Reserved seating for 2 guests
  • Your name/logo listed on website and program

Become a Sponsor!

With your support, we are breaking the cycle of generational homelessness.

Please fill out the form below and click on “Submit”. You will be directed to a Thank You page with a button for online payment.

Go to the full page to view and submit the form.

Thank you for your generosity!

For more information, please contact Laura Grelck, Development Director, at 984-275-2851 or laura.grelck@thecaryingplace.org.