Impact & Outcomes

Letter From a Graduate to a New Family Entering the Program

Dear TCP Family,


Please settle in.  This is the beginning of new beginnings for your family.  I know the first few nights will be tough.  You may experience grief, defeat, anger… but please be kind to yourself as a human, man-woman, parent, etc.  All your decisions brought you here to The Carying Place on purpose.  If you are committed to making lifestyle changes, your time here will exceed your expectations.  It takes time, patience, acceptance of “the here & now,” and, most importantly, a GROWTH MINDSET.  I was in your shoes with my family, and I am here to tell you your new beginning is possible.

Let me introduce myself.  My little family of 3, soon to be 4, was blessed by The Carying Place.  We became family #459 on October 27th, 2020. 


Prior to our placement, we faced eviction, job loss, two car repossessions, a possible divorce after eight months of separation, depression, anxiety… We were unsure of housing, meals, next paychecks, you name it, it was an area of concern.


We have learned lifetime skills to budget, plan our finances, and coping skills, and have been introduced to resources to help our family succeed in different areas.  We went through the motions of others having full access to our finances and past mistakes, and it has truly helped us build better habits that will not allow us to fall back into the same rabbit hole.  Please utilize your support team.  They are your #1 resource.  The experience, wisdom, and resources they have are like no other.  Be open to their input and perspective. It will be hard at first, but worth it in the end. 

We may not know each other, but I am proud of you simply for being here.  You have reached a new level of awareness and acknowledgment.  I am praying and rooting for you to succeed.

Wishing love, light & blessings,

Your TCP Sis.


Graduate Stories



“I was homeless and unable to get an apartment due to a 348-credit score. Even though I worked full-time, I was going in circles and didn’t see any way out of the rut I was in.

Creating a weekly budget, watching my spending habits, accounting for money spent, and not having to pay rent, utilities, or other cost of living expenses made it possible for me to pay off several debts, and my credit score soared.

When I graduated from TCP, I had saved over $8,000, my credit score was at 690, and I was prepared for my homeownership journey! What TCP offers is not a handout but a hand up.” – Mary, a TCP graduate.





Our Impact and Outcome

Over a 16-week period, these families are taught the skills required for self-sufficiency through mandatory Thursday
evening meetings with their support partners.